What it means to be a feminist

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March 8th was international women's day. I was busy running the world, I didn't have time for it. So here's my belated contribution to the occasion, my own version of what it means for me to be a feminist. First, a story: a couple of weeks ago I was helping out with a business reception. It was one of those hob nob events with people who wear ties and such. In any case, naturally, I found myself engaging in a conversation about prostitution. The short of it was that the different use of the terms "sex workers" and "prostitutes" could very well come down to whether sexual activity is tied to a person's dignity and whether women should be allowed to sell sexual services (or their body, if you're inclined to think that way) legally (I use "sex workers," just for reference).

This was the context of my thinking long and hard about what it meant to be a feminist recently, and I came back to the same basic philosophy I have about all things feminism: having an ovary shouldn't be an invitation to be specifically policed - not the way we present ourselves, not what we do with our own body, not how far we can go with our life or career, and certainly not who we want to be.

It is not about anti men. It is not about policing women so we would serve as role models for each other. It is not about justice for all.

It is about choices for women, with consideration for our less-than social status in most of the world's corners.

I'm a feminist, and that's my feminism for you.

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2 Response to What it means to be a feminist

March 30, 2011 at 6:45 PM

I guess you'll want to place a facebook icon to your site. Just marked down the article, although I must complete this by hand. Simply my suggestion.

April 9, 2011 at 11:50 PM

Thanks. I've added the buttons.


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